Final Pack/Adventure Begins


Wow what a day Monday was am I right? Broken Windshield, stuff just not going our way. Shakedown to say the least. But that can’t keep us down, no sir.

We booked it back down to our house, I started to refine the packing situation, big bulky queen sized sleeping bag, ba bye, little bitty camping pillow for Kyle, ha nice try dude – not making the trip (man needs a real person sized pillow). Streamline and cut weight, while I did that Kyle was finishing up the build of the Jeep. I mean tweaking the added 10 gallon under mounted water tanks, testing the water pump, wrapping up the electrical system and all the do-dads and make the “juice” go hickies (I am not versed in how the electrical magic works, I am just blessed to use it- beaming smile). 

Wednesday morning, last day in our house – we showered in our shower, ate breakfast at our table and then hit the ground running with final packing. Estate Sale team arriving at 9 am, Windshield replacement appointment set for 9:30 am, had a box to send via USPS to Hawaii as all of the European River Cruise clothes did not make it into the Jeep as originally planned (Oh, did I NOT tell you that in the middle of our road trip, we are going for a 10 day river cruise from Budapest to Munich? YAY – we are traveling now people), 9:45 am (walking the streets of Phoenix hauling a box in the morning). Ah the joys of moving your whole life into 96 square feet. 

Are we crazy??? 


Man, things got done, that day and we made our way to our very 1st -official – wild camp- Kingman’s Wash with views of upper Lake Mead, right before the Hoover Dam byway crossing.

So, we are all settled into our spot and are dipping our toes into our new lifestyle and I have to say, it was eye opening. Not because we are sleeping in a tent on top of our Jeep, nor that everything we own and are taking with us for the next 10 months is packed in same said rig. No, it was the Van Lifer’s. 

Did you know that they circle up with each other like Old Pioneers? Do they know each other, nope, but they saddle next to each and then hang out. Like a little community, wherever you park. Amazing.

Now if you are unaware, Lake Mead has wild burro’s in the area, aka donkey’s. Burro’s like to drink water and they just roam around anywhere they want, I mean really we are parked in their yard, so who is to say anything. So, these 3 Burro’s (Daddy Burro, Mommie Burro and Baby Burro – no joke), trot into the Van circle, dogs go bonkers, Burro’s get skittish and gallop away, Van Lifer’s emerge staring at the Burro’s (I giggle).  Burro family trots around and finds another route to the lake for a drink. La la la – happy day for all.

Wild Burro’s – wandering toward Lake Mead, NV.

Now nature is a funny thing, and I, newbie to overloading, haven’t gotten used to the sounds and ways of said nature. See, serves ME right for giggling. Kyle and I are cozy sleeping in our lofty bed, snuggly and snoring, when out of a deep sleep I hear that snuffle sound, not sure what it is called so snuffling it will be, that horse rumble when they are eating and rummaging. Well, there it was, the snuffling – and it was LOUD. I mean like right by my head loud and I bolt awake – yell out – Don’t eat those Boots! I unzip the tent window ready to throw and scrap with anything because we left our shoes outside and Kyle’s brand new boots were not in the “safe” basket. Now I don’t have my glasses on, or contacts in, I cannot “see” anything, nor did I startle any Burro’s. Calmly, from inside the tent, this is what transpires:

Kyle in a calm and quiet voice – what are you doing?

Me, heart beating and ready to pounce – saving your boots

Kyle – who is after my boots?

Me – the Burro’s – they take boots

Kyle, laughing – Burro’s want my boots? What are they going to do take them for a walk? More laughter.

Me – they don’t eat leather?

Kyle – nope – they like bushes the boots are safe.

So, now, just in case you didn’t know – Burro’s eat Boots and I will save them for you.

Val the new boots savior of Lake Mead.

Off to Death Valley to do a few trails we always wanted to drive.

See you all next week.

Sunset over Lake Mead, NV

7 Replies to “Final Pack/Adventure Begins”

  1. Your experiences of all the things you are facing are eye openers for not only you— but me too. I do think the burros could run off with boots as they can be rather tricky—still cute but tricky.
    So did you join the Van- lifer’s circles? Enjoy your photos—a lot!

  2. I am with you—snorting in the middle of the night from unseen things is a concern—and burros the burros I knew would if the could be a bit sly about moving things.

  3. nice story of the wild trail you have stared keep me posted, I showed Matt Davis old PUSD employee this adventure story wagons ho

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